Don’t get me wrong, I am not being judgemental lest I be judged the same way.

I am simply relaying the truth as revealed by Scripture. I am simply asking questions which we as Bereans of Acts 17 should ask ourselves. I am not afraid to use the standard of sola scriptura to weigh on the scale the so called Gospel music we have today.

The question one should ask themselves is this; Is there any connection between light and darkness?( 2 Corinthians 6:14-16).Is it Ok to worship God in the way we want? Will God accept such kind of worship?

The burden in my heart is that nowadays; The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. The church is so ready to conform to the ways of the world to the extent of compromising truth and doctrine.

The devil is very cunning dear brethren, never forget that he was able to decieve 1/3 of the Angels. The trick he has always used is the mixture of truth and error into devastating effect. This is what the Bible warns us as wine of Babylon A mixture of truth and error.

Now the Lord clearly has a stand when it comes to his truth. You either abide by it or judgement befell thee, there is no middle ground. Come let us reason together says God in Isaiah 1:18. Let us look at worship from Genesis. Abel and Cain were brothers who worshiped God with their offering, but Cain’s offering was rejected because it did not conform to the manner of worship God had prescribed to their Father Adam in Genesis 3.

Remember that God clothed Adam and Eve with skin from an animal to express that without blood there is no remission of sin. Cain could then not bring plant produce and claim it to be for God. God was pointing Adam’s race to Christ and Cain simply failed to understand.

You can present anything to God but that does not mean that he will accept it. Everything must conform to the standards of truth lest they be declared void upon God’s eyes, especially when it comes to worship. Worship is so significant that it is used as a matter of contention between the sons of God and the sons of Babylon in Revelation 14.
It is based on this conviction that I say with a lot of love that there is no such thing as Gospel Hip hop, Gospel Reggae, Lingala ya Yesu, Gospel Rock etc. Gospel music in itself is distinct from worldly music. It is no wonder that God initially only appointed Levites (priests) to compose His music. ( Yes, it is that serious).

You see, just as the scriptures are inspired, so is heavenly music. The reason why  psalms and Hymns have stood the test of time is because they declare scripture. They are written out of the experiences of remarkable men and women. They were carefully composed, not to bring worldly excitement into worship but to entrance the senses with sweet melody of the presence of God.

Some people would say , “but you see we must reach out to the youths in the streets.” The answer is simple even as we minister unto others, the doctrines of truth must never be defiled lest we lose the way. The truth is not always the easy thing to take in. The truth stands firm on it’s own it can never be shaken.

God is calling us to come and worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24). We must speak to one another is psalms, hymns and spiritual songs as Paul writes in Ephesians 5:19.

Music is a tool the devil has used to confuse even the elite, but God is calling us back to true worship and not to defile ourselves with the World.


I had an interesting conversation with some of my friends for hours on the issue of dressing. 

Does it matter how we dress or does it not? Is there a standard of modesty or does it vary from individual to individual? 

Many are of the opinion that decency is relative and that dressing should not be policed as it is a matter of morality. The argument was that we have different standards of morality based on our believes.

I on the other hand held a different opinion as a Christian. Modesty is not relative but standard. We as children belonging to God have a standard that is different from the worldly point of view. 

We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, Children of the most high God. We should be distinguished from the world for Light and darkness have nothing in common. Surely men and women of God should not conform themselves to the ways of the world.

It is then that I realised that the problem is one of sin and that true reformation begins at the heart. One cannot follow the law of God lest they Love God. For the law is not the pathway of salvation but rather the path of the saved.

To address this issue we must go to the greatest want of the world of the world and that is the restoration of Christ in the heart of men after the fall in Eden. Christ is the centre of all matters faith and unless we are fully converted we will never truly allow him to recreate us into beings fit for everlasting life in heaven. One must accept Christ (justification) before sanctification begins.

We as children of God are identified by our fruits, we are identified by our works, not for merit or salvation for that, Christ has freely given; we follow God’s command as a response of his love and allowing his will be done on earth as angels do it in heaven for with God there is no double standard.

The same obedience Gabriel obeys the father is the exact level of obedience expected from anyone who has believed in Christ. With the help of Christ in every action in our lives we surely begin to respond to his love by obeying what he says even as it pertains to dressing.

The priestly garments of Aaron and the priests were precisely described by God to them having a ribbon of blue at the edge of their robes to serve as a seal of obedience to the ELOHIM. They dressed specifically as instructed and obeyed. We also are called Royal priesthood and are supposed to uphold dressing that shows obedience to God. 

Our adornment should not be outwardly or sensualised like that of the world. It should be simple, neat and certainly should not cause another to sin. 

I am not restricting creativity in dress or our own personality and individuality in expressing who we are, No!  Dress appropriately for every occasion and season

Do not however dress to impress mortal men. Do not dress for the likes in social media. Men are deceitful in their liking. They will like you for the package and not the content. For Christians, first impressions are of utmost importance. Every opportunity is an opportunity to Minister to a soul and of our dressing will be a hindrance for others going to heaven then God will hold us accountable. 

I write this with a very strong conviction in heart and in mind. Choose today whom you will serve but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Just have a glimpse at what decency means





KEY TEXT: MARK 5:18-19





DATE: 29th July 2017


(MARK 5:1-20)

In the early morning the Saviour and His companions came to shore, and the light of the rising sun touched sea and land as with the benediction of peace. But no sooner had they stepped upon the beach than their eyes were greeted by a sight more terrible than the fury of the tempest. From some hiding place among the tombs, two madmen rushed upon them as if to tear them in pieces. Hanging about these men were parts of chains which they had broken in escaping from confinement. Their flesh was torn and bleeding where they had cut themselves with sharp stones. Their eyes glared out from their long and matted hair, the very likeness of humanity seemed to have been blotted out by the demons that possessed them, and they looked more like wild beasts than like men.
This was the state of the demoniacs who had for a while been tormented by demons, a legion of demons. He was naked as per Luke’s account. He stayed among the tombs; he had no place to call home. They had torn their flesh from the self-inflicted cuts on their bodies. The life they lived was a clear manifestation of the life one lives when they are separated from the saviour. One is often naked and in a pitiful state. Consider Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:7, once they had eaten the forbidden fruit, they realised that they were naked. They were no longer clothed in the righteousness of God. It is then in Genesis 3:21 that Christ clothes them with garments of skin that they are counted righteous i.e. they become fully clothed.

When the two demon- possessed men come to God  they were set free. The demons that tortured them no longer had a grip over their lives. When they made the bold step to come to Christ, the saviour was merciful enough to cast the demons out of them. When you make that decision to follow Christ, he will transform you to a new creature. When the villagers heard what had happened to this man, they were shocked and came to see it for themselves.

When they came to see Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons sitting there, dressed and in his right mind. 

Friends, I do not know what you are struggling with in your life that you think Jesus cannot answer. The devil has made a mockery out of you, he has made you a wreck but Jesus has come to set you free. He is the same God who calmed the sea and said peace be still. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.  The wicked are likened to the tossing sea which cannot rest. They have no peace in their lives and the master is asking them to come to him that they may find rest in him.


As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus said “no” and told him to go home to his family and tell them how much the lord had done for him. Garsenes was a gentile territory and Jesus turned this man into an evangelist.

He did not have the message of Daniel and the four beasts in Daniel 7, he did not have the three angels’ message, he did not have truth about the mark of the beast and neither did he have the health message. Though these fundamental pillars are integral to our faith, lest they paint a picture of Christ, become nothing but a clanking cymbal to the men we so desperately want to save from the grip of the enemy. All this man had was: I was blind but now I see, I was naked and now I am clothed, I was a sinner and now I am forgiven, I was chained by demons but now I am free. His message so simple and so clear; Jesus saves, Jesus saves.

Friends, Jesus is appealing to us today to go with this message to a world that has no hope. Jesus saves! Jesus saves! You may not have the full truth of doctrine to go where the master wants you to go; over mountain or plain or sea. You may not have eloquence of speech like Paul to preach sermons that would last lifetimes. All the saviour wants are men who having witnessed him would go out to the world and tell them of our loving saviour. “ go and make disciples of all nations , baptising them in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey  everything I have commanded you, and surely I am with you always. 

This is not the task of the pastor and elders alone; it is not a task of the world church or our general conference. It is a task for you and me. We are the bibles some people will ever read. Let us be the light, the salt of this dying world that so desperately needs Christ in their lives. Enough with the seminars and the youth retreats, it is time to go out there and seek the souls of men. The King is coming; the end draweth nigh; let us not be selfish and watch the world go by in a frantic menace of chaos. Go, I say go!


I had never gone for mission before in my short life. When the opportunity came, i ceased it and knew that my christian experience would never be the same again. We went to a village called Osinoni in Kilgoris, Narok County.  A place green and fertile; a place with a beautiful environment and beautiful people.

 It was a sparsely populated area with a people of diverse culture. Mainly two ethnic groups are found here, Kisii’s and Maasais. 

I met a lot of people in my short stay in this environment, I met people who had were aware of God, a people who appreciated his existence but had not experienced personally the King of kings from whom all blessings flow. They knew about him but they didn’t know him. 

We went from door to door sharing Christ with the People of Osinoni. Praying with them and ministering to their needs.

The people were very friendly. I remember this two boys in particular who welcomed us to their humble home. They immediately prepared a place for us to sit once they saw us at their gate. They together with many homes were very friendly and receptive to the message.

We also had an open air crusade at one the shopping center where we preached Christ. We had four speakers each tackling different topics that are pillars of the Adventist faith 
We had

  1. The Health message
  2. Sermon
  3. Bible study 
  4. Prophecy

I was handling Bible study. It was my first time in the mission field and so I was a bit nervous at first but the Lord gave me strength. I prayed and the Lord filled me with his spirit as he promised 

If you then  though are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 

Matthew 7:12

He used as mightily and we thank him for it. In the end 4 people have their lives to Christ after the two weeks of preaching and door to door visitations.

PRAISE! be to God our King, Our Saviour and friend.

This was despite the many challenges we faced and the schemes from the evil one. 

One of them was the weather, dark clouds would often loom over the open air site just before we began the sermon or before prophecy. 

But God was faithful and most of the time we gathered two or three of us to pray, the clouds would roll away from site. Sometimes the clouds would pass this village and would rain further away.

However, when it did rain, we gave thanks to God for the blessings of rain as this people were agriculturalists.

Another issue we had was with the Public Addresser. The PA system would fail us at times. The devil often disrupt our meetings with technical hitches.

 But we understood that the battle before us was spiritual and when we prayed for it it worked and the message went through AMEN!

This is my friend Oyoo and Lesalon working on the PA system. They would repair it well and it worked we thank God for such Innovative people in his vineyard. Never say there is nothing I can do.

The devil also attacked our health as some of us became ill during the mission. But once again the devil was defeated and we were able to serve God in a tremendous way. We conquered the hills and the valleys of this vast region. Truly God is awesome and as my mentor Fabian Oriri Nyamboki Deputy Head Elder always says 


We did overcome at last and we thank God for that. All the schemes of the evil one are destroyed by the name of Jesus and you better believe it as in this story.

It was one dark cold night in JEESUN RYU ADVENTIST MISSION SCHOOL, OSINONI, KILGORIS. My friends and I were on kitchen duty that night as the rest of the missionaries continued with prophecy in an open air 

crusade. As we were preparing food for our fellow missionaries, one of the teaches and a Watchman came running towards us. They were frightened to death and the teacher told us to come quickly and pray with them. He told us one of the students was possessed by demons. “I have never seen anything like this all my life.” Said the teacher. My heart begun pounding the moment he said that as we quickly went for our Bibles and followed them to where the possessed girl was. We resided at the teachers’ quarters which was about 400 metres from the school. As we walked towards the school the sound of this poor lady echoed the darkness of night as she shouted in agony in a tongue no one understood. I said to God, “give us faith, forgive me for I am a sinner and only you can cast out demons.” The teacher halted us at the school’s parade ground where we stopped and prayed. We prayed for God to forgive us our sins and to give us faith. We also acknowledged that only Jesus has the power to cast out demons. “She has tremendous strength, I tried holding her but she lifted me up and pushed me, she has enormous strength, the strength of more than 4 boys” said the teacher. This message was frightening but here we were we had to be strong and of good courage. 

With faith, we then proceeded to the room where she was as the agonising sounds grew louder and louder. I was still shaken and a bit scared. Here was my first time in Mission and God is bringing me to the front line of the great controversy.

When I first saw her, I was shocked, there she was wriggling sideways and shouting in words no man could understand. My friends were also in shock until we mastered the courage and began to pray. At first we prayed while standing and singing hymns. We started by adoring God and then Confessing our sins before asking Jesus to cast out the demons. I opened Mark 5 and read of the man who was saved from a legion of demons and she wriggled wildly in protest. We then went down on our knees everyone taking time to pray and singing hymns to God. Then, I had a feeling in my heart that I should draw near to this helpless lady who was held down by four of her classmates, two boys and a girl. I was holding my Bible praying and I prayed like I had never prayed before, tears fell from my eyes and my voice began to sob. My friends prayed as well and the lady begun to come down but she was still speaking in a mysterious tongue. She then grabbed my Bible hard. I was shocked. I did not want to let go of it thinking that she might take it and tear it. One of her friends told me to let go of it. I did so and to my surprise she took it while in that state and opened 

Jeremiah 29:11-13. She pointed it at me as if she wanted me to read it. I got hold of the Bible and read “For I know the plan I have for you,” declares the Lord, ” plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon my me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart I will be found by you,” declares the lord “and will bring you back from your captivity.”* When I finished the 14th verse, Eunice Maki was set free from her captivity. She was still and the peace of heaven came upon her. 

Our hearts were filled with Thanksgiving and we prayed giving thanks to God for what he had done. 

At first she was unable to speak and so we spoke to her through writing and she told us that that was the second time such a thing was happening to her. It happens whenever someone accuses her falsely. In this particular instance, another student claimed she had stolen her phone when in deed she had not as a result she snapped and lost control and then lost control of her body and the demons took over. 

After knowing much of the details, we asked her if she would like to accept Christ as her personal saviour which she gladly did. We urged her to pray for the in filling of the holy spirit such that the demons would not find her temple unoccupied again. 

We instructed she be given food and water and let her rest. To our surprise it was 10:00 pm already, we had been there more than 2 and a half hours but God delivered because it felt like a few minutes. 

We went to camp and prayed with the rest of our friends that night and the next morning and went to check up on Eunice at 9:00am the next day. Thank God, she had regained her speech. ” Praise God! ” We had a fellowship with the students who were few. Most of them had gone for half term. 

We prayed with them for the two weeks we were there. Eunice told us she comes from a Methodist home but she has agreed to be baptized an Adventist. She is now in baptism class. CAN I GET AN AMEN!!


Where are the men? A certain lady friend  of mine always asks

Men who are men not by name but by character. Men of substance. Where is he that is a true gentleman? He that values everyone and is not afraid of responsibility. He that always owns up to all his actions. Where are they at least; the last of this dying breed that this generation may learn from? Gentlemen who value women out of courtesy and dignity. Where is he who speaks wisdom instead of cheap locker room talk?

Anyone can be a man by the physical sense but not everyone can be a man in mental and spiritual sense, not everyone can own up to become THE MAN. 

Manhood has nothing to do with the ability to party and act in a disorderly manner. Manhood has nothing to do with the empty talks in the streets, where boys lustfully discuss every curvatios beauty in town. It is not saying 

I already hit that, that one I have conquered.

Yet they always get offended if it’s their sister being eye stripped by their fellow comrades.

Until these boys man up, I see a nation, a world that simply objectifies women. 

Manhood is being kind to everyone and especially women. It is immoral as it is impolite to undress a lady and discuss her in the public. I am calling out the man in every boy to be the one who clothes the women “undressed”by their lustful comrades. A man is not a bull that cannot control itself. Exercise self control and always see the best in her. 

Manhood is also about responsibility. 

A man is measured by his ability to see into completion tasks he is assigned ​to. I urge you to own up to your work; if in school make books priority alpha. Be the best you can be. Commit your heart, mind and strength to every task set before your table. Then when all is set and done evaluate your work and then like God you can say “It is good”

A man is not the one who sits around all day doing nothing. Find something to do. Don’t waste your time gambling and betting your money. Life itself is not a gamble. It takes planning, determination and hard work to amass wealth. 

Gambling is like putting your hand in a snakepit hoping it will not bite you. “I know, what are the odds”😀? 

Use your money wisely, be wise as a serpent.  Know how to budget and how to invest. Learn what works best. Put your money to good use. Most importantly, invest in people. 

Learn to build bridges, never walls. Do not step on the toes of those beneath you. Learn to respect everyone. Say hi to the homeless guy in the street, show respect to an old lady standing in a bus. Show courtesy even to those who don’t deserve it. Sort out a brother once in a while. When was the last time you bought someone breakfast? when was the last time you had a meaningful conversation over coffee? You never know, you might gain a potential employer or even a potential soul mate. “Be nice to people, it costs you nothing​” mama always said.

The other lesson a man must have is the ability to reason and make decisions. As future fathers and to those who are, a man must always be full of wise counsel. Think through issues in life with God by your side. Confide in He that created you for a purpose. Consult his opinion and then with his principles make sensible life choices. Consult him in every life choice you make:be it dating; many of us often struggle with relationships, be it financial management, be it choice of friends; anything you want.

I finish by calling out all men to make a vow henceforth; to take up the role of manhood and restore the dignity of being A MAN. Let them say of you that THERE IS A MAN. When the sun sets over your life let them write on your tombstone THERE WAS A MAN.



Are we free, free from the shackles of our everyday life? Are we free, free from the boundaries we set to enclose ourselves from others based on race, tribe or even gender? Are we free, free from the burden of sin?

Until the day  we understand what true freedom is, men will continue to struggle in this wilderness of woe.

What then is freedom? 

Freedom is simply knowing what is truth and going for it.

Freedom is not what the world offers; for what shall it profit a man, to gain the whole world and yet lose his own soul. Freedom is not the lack of regulations between men such that everyone did as they desired, No! Freedom is not about you having your way or the high way. It is not having and eating your cake as many are perceived to believe. 

If we had the ability to do whatever we pleased, then we would infringe on the rights and freedoms of others.

If we did whatever we pleased then brother would rise against brother. We would tear each other apart just to get what we wanted. We would defile ourselves in the name of fun.

This is attributable to the fact that our carnal minds are naturally rebelious, self seeking and full of hate. We care more for ourselves than we do others, naturally.

Since freedom is knowing the truth, I dare to ask the question posed to Christ by Pontius Pilate WHAT IS TRUTH?

JOHN 14:6 I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.

Freedom is having the blessed assurance of salvation through Christ and his righteousness. Freedom is having Faith in he who came that we may have life and have it abundantly. Freedom is beholding the lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world.

When Christ is within you, then you realise freedom. You begin then to realise that freedom is abiding by His law. Abiding his law not for merit or salvation, but because you love him. With love in you, you will never thirst again. Your cup shall surely overflow. You will be contented with what you have, you will not steal because He always provides. You won’t have to be drunk with wine because inside you there is a spring of living water as opposed to broken cisterns, cisterns that hold no water. You won’t lust after women because you will have self control, you have respect for men or women even when some don’t respect themselves.

I concur with the psalmist 

PSALM 19:7 The laws of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul, the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

I now join Paul in saying

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery Galatians 5:1

Here then is the conclusion of the matter; Freedom is only in Christ lest you become a slave to the inequities of this world. 

Listen to him today. Come to him and find rest, all you who are heavy laden.


Three words often misused and abused. I don’t want to sound cliche in my writing but Love is not just a statement. It is not the senseless infatuation portrayed in our soap operas neither is it the magic words to a girl’s heart. Love has no self interest for it is not self seeking. It is not after a particular person for love exists before there is even someone to love. Love is not blind because it sees the best in people. It sees people not for who they are but for what they could become.

Enough with the ‘nots’. What ‘is’ Love?

Love is patient, envies none, seeks not its own. It is what was before ” let there be light” and what will remain after everything else is fallen. Love is what holds us together in harmony here on earth as it is in heaven. Love is  the ultimate force in the universe  because God is Love.

You may say that this love is different from that of man and woman but I highly disagree. It was God that created the institution of marriage as a reflection of his own character. 

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; Ephesians 5:25.

Friends, Love is not a feeling but a principle. Feelings have to do with the flactuation of emotions.

 I like studying  but there are times when I don’t feel like going to school. I love my parents but at times we fall apart. Does that mean i stop loving them. 

If love was a feeling then God would not have loved us while we were still sinners.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 

You think Christ liked being on the cross? Perhaps, consider his agony in the garden of Gethsemane. Consider his own statement “not that my will but your will be done. ” It was the principle of love that made him do it. It was more than just a feeling. 

Then, what does it mean for husbands to love as Christ loves the church?

This is how we know true love, Jesus gave his life for us. While we were yet sinners undeserving of his grace and mercy, HE DIED FOR ME.

So think again before you say “I love you” it means putting your life on the line for someone else. It means paying the ultimate price and expecting nothing in return.

I point you to God, the author of this Love story in which every soul is part of. For you to understand Love, you must seek the one whose love is infinite. One whose love is deeper than that between mother and child.

When you come to his presence and accept him then you find love. Love that is truly unconditional and pure. Adam was in Eden “presence of God” when he uttered the first poem 

Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh

Eve was brought to Adam after he had learned what love is from God his father.

The lesson I am putting across is that you should love God first; then as a reflection of his character love others with the same characteristics as His. 

The love so great it pays attention to the minutest of details. A sparrow never falls without his notice. The Rose never blossoms without his efforts. The grass of the fields he dresses to the point that not even Solomon in his finest regalia could outmatch them.  

The love that never forgets anniversaries because the Sabbath is a weekly anniversary. A sign that he made us out of love. 

The love that is in action and not the empty three little words I LOVE YOU 💑💏



The Law is what holds the cosmos together. Every created thing is subject to the law. From the massive ant kingdoms to the gentle elephants that grace the plains of the mara.It would be unwise then to think that there is freedom outside the law when the whole cosmos is subject to the rule of law.If there was no law, stars and planets would collide to a catastrophic effect. The seas would overstep their boundaries and there would be no difference between day and night.The earth would simply sit still on its axis.

If then there is a physical law surrounding us, why is it so difficult to believe that there is a moral law which everyone is subject to. Close your eyes for a moment and just picture a world where there is no law. People would cease from restraining their sinful nature. Yes God is as real as the palm of your hand.

The plight of our time is due to the breaking of the commandments and only when men order their social and individual lives in accordance to God’s law, as revealed in the old testament and fulfilled in the incarnate life of Jesus christ, will peace, justice and reason be established on earth JOHN DREWETT

You may call me a legalist but just before you pass a sentence, think.”come let us reason together.” (Isaiah 1:8). There are thousands of legislations around the world,many that govern counties, states and even the world at large. There is nowhere under the sun where there are no laws. From business transactions to security policies, some legislation had to be enforced.However, there is one striking fact the world over; the law is as good as its implementation otherwise it ceases to have rule. It becomes a sheet of fancy words. The problem, you would agree is not with the law but with the people. How then do we change the people?

I completely disagree with Aristotle. “The begining of wisdom is in doubting; for it is in doubting that we come to the question.”Friends we were not just created to stumble in darkness. Our lives are not just by accident. The genesis of wisdom is understanding four fundamental questions

  1. who am i?
  2. where did i come from?
  3. why am i here?
  4. where am i headed?

Which can only be fulfilled by GOD. IN THE BEGINNING GOD.

That is the beginning of wisdom. It is only from him that all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. It is only by coming to his conclusion that life has meaning.

  • I am his son created in his very image. I was created as a part of His divine family. He would rather die than live without me.
  • I am here to form a relationship with Him where i take a submissive role. Christ my God, my saviour, friend, begotten son of God (PROVERBS 8:22-36) and eldest brother shows me an example by submitting to the will of the father.He also gave me leadership over the earth to subdue it,to value it, to love it, to cherish it. You would not destroy something you cherish?
  • Everyone desires to know the future. He created us imperfect and naturally obedient to the LAW until the fall of man.

You cannot argue with the fact that something is completely wrong. Just watch the news and see the kind of world we live in. You begin to ask yourself; surely this has to end some day? Friends, before the original sin there was no need for the law. We were naturally inclined to abide with the law until LUCIFER decided to deceive us into disobedience. You may again ask, but why did  God allow the devil to deceive us? Why does God not destroy him once and for all? The answer is simple , Free will. God created us with a choice to choose what is right and what is wrong. He did not create robots; he created beings with reason, will and intellect. God  is wise enough to know that this is not a physical but a spiritual war. One that can only be won by character and not by might. Think of it as two contenders in an election race. God is the government and the devil is the opposition. Before THE BEGINNING , the opposition has always had problems with the law.The opposition wants to challenge the government. The opposition is willing to use every trick to win including murder. This is where i am mesmerised by God. He does not wipe out the opposition simply because he is an everlasting ruler. He shows and reminds people what he is like.

God is LOVE. What holds the universe in place is not atomic energy but rather love. The universe is not just physical, it is social. That is why for love to exist there has to be free will. It is the soil upon which the seed of Agape love can grow. Love can never be forced down. It is like a plant the best thing you can do is giving it the right conditions. God shows the people that his government is one full of love. He knows that the devil enslaved us with death. That is why he sent us his own son who is GOD by nature to defeat and to assure us that he will ressurect us if we die. He shows us that there is life beyond  the grave. All you have to do is let him in your life

When we beleive in him through christ, then will the devil be destroyed. Until then, there is still a war to win. The only way to obey the law is by first accepting christ and through faith in him. That is the only way through which we will naturally come to obey the law. He is the only way through which the people can be changed and obey the law.The punishment for breaking the law has always been death, but He paid the price for you so that you may justified by faith. Why then should you continue to transgress the law (sin) All charges presented against you have been dropped. AMEN

Stay tuned for LAW 2